Friday, February 11, 2011

What inspires me to create Return To Eden....

I have been working with the designers for my new website and with doing so, I made some time yesterday to sit and actually reach down inside of me for the words that convey what Return To Eden means to me and what I want to deliver.

It is true that with age comes wisdom.  The best piece of 'wisdom' I have gained in my years, has been to value the contribution I make to this world.  That can be in many different ways, whether it be through my children, my partner, my home, my career, with my friends, my relationships and interactions with others and most importantly what I do for me.  To best enable myself to do this, I am true to who I am and express this by imparting a piece of my heart and soul in to all that I do, the best that I can.

Return To Eden was not just an idea or a whimsical venture, it is something that I have always wanted to do since being a child, I simply was not aware of that desire.  However, once I was aware I felt it selfish to pursue my own dream as I felt so obligated to spend my time doing what I was conditioned to think I should be doing, but with the love and support of some very special people I felt encouraged to give birth to what was eagerly awaiting to break free from within me.

Every thing about Return To Eden has a meaning to me and represents something special about who I am, events in my life, people in my life and most importantly my core values.  I have found it difficult to express some of those things through words to share with you as it is more about feelings than words for me, but as I mentioned earlier, with working on my website I put pen to paper and just let it flow in its most simplistic form. 

I am very good at rambling and "over wording" things (when at Uni while others struggled to find words for essays, I struggled to minimise words for essays).  So I will get to the point and share with you the simplified version.

Each Return To Eden item and collection celebrates the innocence and beauty of childhood and what it represents.  A time when life is just beginning.  A time when love comes so easily and so much is expressed with a simple hug and a kiss.  A time filled with love and laughter in a world that is playful and exciting, fun and carefree.  A time when dreams are endless and will always come true.  A time of preparation to becoming a beautiful butterfly that flies through life gracefully and with freedom. ©Return To Eden

I also want to share a quote that means a lot to me and has also inspired me.

"How does one become a butterfly" she asked
"You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar" 
 ©Trina Paulus - Hope For The Flowers

Like I said this is a very simplistic view of what inspires me when creating Return To Eden and creating for Return To Eden.  There is so much more but hopefully there is something in what I have written for now that you can relate to.


  1. This is beautifully written and I feel like I know your heart and soul too!!

    Evie x

  2. Oh Evie how lovely to hear from you. How are you? Thank you for your comment, what a beautiful thing to say, thank you.
    Anne-Marie xx
